Children of today rely on fast food, and what’s the right word for it? Yes, burgers!!
They’ll never know the essence of the classic snacks millennials used to enjoy in their childhood, share it with friends in the playgrounds or just simply at sleepovers.
The childhood of millennials is unmatchable and the fun they used to have, I know if I’ll start talking about it, it will take years to shut me up so let’s just dive into the article straight away.
There were a lot of snacks, unhealthy, yet delicious. At this age, finding them is a task. It’s not impossible but very difficult to have a hand at them and relive your childhood. Some of them are listed below to take you back in the 90s.
The purpose of Hajmola was something else, but the sour taste of it used to make our day.
Top Pops:
Yes, you can still find Top Pops at some Instagram pages but just look at this, it’s yummy and you can also use them as a toping.
The sweet taste of chocolate, melting in our mouth and dripping all over while you and your neighbours play under the scorching sun - oh, the good old days. I think you understood me so let’s jump to the next one.
Corn Pops:
Used to come in four different flavours. We can still find them at some of the stores, but they don’t taste the same anymore.
Chocolate Ball:
Can you guess what’s inside the football? You’re right, It’s chocolate and it’s yummy.
I know after looking at this nostalgic childhood snacks, the craving is real and it’s quite upsetting how today we can’t find some of them so, I think that’s enough torture for the day.
Comment below and let us know which one is your favourite childhood snack?