Kon Hai Prank Master

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The Pashtuns have a history of heroism. As a result, Pukhtoon will accompany you to hell with adoration, but not to heaven with shackles. Pashtuns are born brave and remain so until the end of their lives. Let's take a different look at their bravery over the decades.

This music video depicts a positive image of gamers and the pranks they pull, as well as the

idea of strong bonds between friends and their shared excitement. It also includes all of the

enthusiasm, energy, and pranks that youngster perform to make them feel ecstatic because

they believe they are different, smarter, and braver than we think.

This time around you can win amazing prizes to pull off a prank on your near and dear ones! Yes, you heard it right! Free Fire is hosting an event named “Kon Hai Prank Master”. Read on to find more!

Be sure to share the laughers with us! How can you do that? You must ask! Well, the answer is simple. You can join in with only 4 steps.

Step 1: Play pranks on your friends and record them. You can copy the pranks shown in the music video https://bit.ly/35FIw7s or do your own pranks!

Step 2: Use the same music used in the video https://bit.ly/3C8QRwW

Step 3: Share your prank on your social media accounts and tag your friends. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #prankmaster #NahiAtkayGa #FreeFirePakistan & UID 

Step 4: Post your submission link in the comments section of this post https://bit.ly/35FIw7s


All steps should be fulfilled to qualify for the contest 

The entry should be absolutely original

No one’s privacy should be violated in the video

Children abuse cannot be shown in the video

No one’s freedom of religion, political views, field of work or gender can be targeted.

The winner will be selected randomly. So what’s the wait? Participate for some real exclusive rewards NOW!

FREEFIRE IS Impossible to cease #NahiAtkayGa

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