Transgender Activist, Kami Sid Set To Star In Short Film, 'Rani'

Transgender Activist, Kami Sid Set To Star In Short Film, 'Rani'

Pakistan's first transgender model, Kami Sid first made headlines when she debuted in a stunning yet powerful photoshoot. Now, the transgender activist is set to appear in a short film to shed light about transgender rights titled  Rani.

According to DAWN Images the film is directed by US-based director Hammad Rizvi and produced by Karachi-based production house Grayscale.

According to Kami, "The short film is called Rani and I play the titular character, who is a transgender. The film was shot around the beginning of October and is in post production now. The story is absolutely brilliant."

"In the film, we've shown that transgenders can do a lot more than just sex work and dancing at weddings."

Earlier featured in a documentary filmed by BBC titled, How Gay is Pakistan, Kami is known for being an avid activist about transgender rights.