The original drama and the sequel are penned by the celebrated writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and directed by the talented Dilawar Malik. While Landa Bazaar was popularly known for the rockstar, Ali Zafar's debut in the drama industry and included a star-studded cast namely, Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar as Hakum, Mubarak Babar Ali as Baali and Farah Shah as Zohra. The story line centered around a young man named Baali who struggled to live and survive in a world of crime and corruption while trying to build and a relationship with his fiancée, Zohra.
Now, fifteen years later in Lal Ishq, Babar Ali reprises his role successfully as Baali who is now even more embroiled in the underworld of crime. With societal pressure of keeping his business and personal life in balance, while being sucked into grave delinquency is what makes his struggle real. While keeping in mind the audience of this day and age, the drama is one that offers suspense and emotional scenes fit to even move the hardest of hearts. Most of the original cast will also reappear as their original characters except Farah Shah as Zohra whose role was terminated in the original.
What it tantalisingly titillating is whether Ali Zafar will find time from his hectic musical and film careers to deign to act on TV once again?
Lal Ishq also sees fresh, new faces that will be added to the already existing cast. Much to our anticipation, let's see if the original cast of Landa Bazaar can create as much as a dramatic stir in the much awaited sequel Lal Ishq that is to air on APlus this month. Stay tuned for more!