Battle The Ultimate Winter Dilemma with Pantene  

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Still too cold to shower? Any other answer than yes is incorrect. With the winter air still lingering menacingly, making its way to me through the cracks and crevices it manages to find despite my constant vigilance, the last thing I want to do is jump into the shower, soap shampoo, and condition.

I’m not ashamed to admit several days pass before I can gather enough courage to take a shower. And out I step shivering, contemplating why this life was thrust upon us and why nature couldn’t have made us a bit more advanced in the self-cleaning department. And to minimize this ordeal, I almost always skip the shampoo and condition steps, only prioritizing a hasty scrubbing. But the consequences haunt me in the form of hair-fall, greasy scalp, and dry hair.

Which is why when at the Pantene Hum Bridal Couture Week, the brand revealed its latest creation the Pantene 2 in 1 bottle, I was over the moon, and then some. A one-step solution to this expensive price I pay in the form of hair damage for a few minutes of reduced winter torture? YES, YES AND YES.

Since I know how important shampooing and conditioning is for one’s scalp, it was painful to have to skip it over. But now there’s no way I’ll have dry hair or hair-fall. The new Pantene 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner isn’t just accommodating of those who want a quick and easy solution to hair care, but it also ensures common hair problems are something it counters well.

The beauty of this variant was only paralleled by the incredible show that the Pantene Hum Bridal Couture Week put on for an eager. The much-anticipated event boasted beautiful women with beautiful hair who put on quite the performance which built up to the fantastic new Pantene 2 in 1 bottle reveal. Maya Ali unveiled the bottle with the grace and elegance she’s known for and filled us all with awe.

All in all, it’s already a great year for hair. Are you going to try the 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner Pantene formula? Share your thoughts with us!

#PHBCW #MoreOpenHairDays #PantenePakistan

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