You are extremely vocal and not afraid to speak your mind when it comes to societal issues. How do you deal with haters and backlash? 

Dealing with trolls and haters has now become a part of who we are on social media, right? I try to focus on the good that I am doing. Once that happens any negative remark that comes my way is either blocked, ignored or deleted. Most of these trolls, they don’t have real names, identities or pictures so they are technically accounts to just hate on other people so I try to keep that into perspective and I move forward accordingly and try to keep a balance that way. 

Three things you love about Pakistan? And three things you hope to change? 

Three things that I totally love about Pakistan: its landscape, the people are extremely hospitable and I love this country for giving me a name, an identity, an opportunity to thrive and grow. What I’d hope to change: better human rights, better animal rights and to change the infrastructure of a lot of cities outside Islamabad. 

We love an animal advocate and you always care about our furry friends. Two ways Pakistan can improve being an animal friendly country? 

If people do not like seeing animals in distress or strays on their streets and are scared, please donate to organisations that are capturing these animals and spaying, neutering and vaccinating the animals. Make your children interact with animals, as once you do, you begin to feel empathy for them and they’ll develop more love and less fear for their furry friends.

We love when you travel and bring us along on your journey via your social media. It is like we are virtually there with you. The best place you’ve visited so far? And why? 

Honestly for somebody who enjoys travelling so much there is no best place in the world. Every place brings its own unique experience; you see it with a fresh perspective. Every destination, country, architectural site, historical place in this world has its own significance. So, for a traveller every place brings equal opportunities to enjoy yourself. I would recommend Stockholm, Lisbon and the United States. 

TV host, RJ or VJ—which one and why? 

Whether it’s being a TV host, RJ or VJ that fact is that I am able to communicate with people and that is what I really enjoy in all these platforms. Communications with Pakistani’s from around the country and abroad- gives me a voice and platform to interact and understand what they are going through, to help make their lives better and to help understand my people better. So I think all three mediums are equally important and I enjoy them all. 

Any plans on getting back to the acting side of the entertainment industry? 

I was never really an avid actor. There are so many good actors out there I’m not sure if my services are required in that field (laughs). However, like every artist has always said that if something amazing, and worthwhile, comes along or if I am in the mood in that given day you never know. I am never closed to any ideas but I am not 
actively working on getting into the acting industry at all, just taking it as it comes. 

One piece of advice you’d like to give to the youngsters of Pakistan? 

For me to the youngsters of Pakistan, you are our future. Please stay united, have tolerance for one another's thoughts, ideas and opinions. Your struggles may seem different on the surface but they’re pretty much the same. Patience, tolerance and acceptance for everybody is the way forward. 

What is your daily mantra for happiness? 

To just be grateful, to be alive, to have another day in this world to play my part. I keep myself in the part, having faith in Allah, just try to be grateful and look at the brighter side. It’s a work in progress and its constant practice, its not easy but helps you stay afloat and keep content if not happy. 

What does feminism mean to you? 

Feminism to me just means equally opportunities. In terms of work, freedom of thought and independence. Just equal opportunities in life and a chance to shine as much as anybody else around me. It’s as simple as that. 

Anoushey Ashraf in three words. 

My name literally means ‘happy-go-lucky’. So I think Anoushey Ashraf in three words is ‘Happy Go Lucky’! (Laughs) 



  • In: Lifestyle