LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Well, technically so is covid, but let’s concentrate on sweeter things this festive February. They say love is all you need, but a little cake now and then won’t hurt; and this little darling right here is exactly what you need to make for your loved ones! Pomegranate Cheesecake, all dolled up and sitting pretty on a small disc of mouth-puckering lemon cake. But don’t let the pastel pink and pomegranate-kissed exterior make you think that this Valentine’s Day dessert is sticky-sweet; beneath the cheesecake dome is pomegranate jelly, filled with fresh arils: the tiny bursts of sharp, tangy juice in every bite, cutting through all that sweetness. Can there be anything more romantic than this delicious little treat? I don’t want to know the answer... I just want to eat this cake.

For the cheesecake:
• 2 tbsp powdered gelatin (soaked in 1⁄2 cup cold water)
• 450g cream cheese
• 1 1⁄2 cups icing sugar
• 2 tsps vanilla extract
• 4 tbsps pomegranate molasses

• 2 cups whipping cream
For the jelly:
• 1 cup fresh pomegranate juice
• 1/4 cup sugar
• 1 sheet gelatin (soaked in cold water)

• 1 cup pomegranate arils or seeds

• I have used my lemon cake recipe from the previous month’s issue, as the base of this dessert. Bake it according to the instructions mentioned and cut little discs out of the baked cake, using a 3-inch diameter round cookie cutter, and set aside.
• To make the jelly layer, combine all ingredients other than gelatin, in a small saucepan and heat until sugar dissolves. Take it off the heat and add in the gelatin. Stir well and pour in a sheet pan and place in fridge until the jelly sets. Once set cut little discs out of the jelly sheet using a 1-inch round cookie cutter.
• To make the cheesecake, beat cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and pomegranate molasses on high speed until smooth and creamy. Warm the pre- soaked gelatin slightly and pour in while beating on medium. Fold in whipped cream. Pour the batter out in 3-inch round dome shaped moulds evenly and place the jelly discs in the centre. Leave the moulds in the fridge for 4-6 hours until properly set. Pop each cheesecake out and carefully place it on the lemon cake disc.
• Decorate using heart shaped pipettes filled with fresh pomegranate juice, pink macarons, rose buds, dragees and pomegranate arils and get ready to fall in love like never


  • In: Lifestyle