How You Can Protect Your Child From Sexual Assault

How You Can Protect Your Child From Sexual Assault
After the heartbreaking Kasur incident, where six-year-old Zainab was found raped and murdered, many Pakistani celebrities came together to voice their anguish over the horrific matter. Also with the ongoing conversation about the need to provide a more safe and secure environment for our children, actress and activist Nadia Jamil, PR maven Frieha Altaf and ace designer Maheen Khan have come forward with own childhood stories of sexual harassment.

By sharing their experiences, they hope to highlight that sexual abuse can occur in families regardless of class and ethnicity. Also that our culture of silencing and shaming survivors needs to stop – the same should be the perpetrators.

A video has surfaced that aims to educate and enlighten parents and children about different ways of sexual abuse - take a look,