Gigi Hadid Faces Backlash Over Pro-Palestine Tweets

Gigi Hadid Faces Backlash Over Pro-Palestine Tweets
Gigi Hadid is standing up for her Palestinian heritage once again- and her comments have sparked a debate as many have asked her to clarify her stance. 

The 23-year-old model, whose father, Mohamed Hadid, is of Palestinian origin, spoke out on Twitter in support of the Palestinians killed by Israeli troops at the Gaza border earlier this week. Hadid expressed that she feels the ongoing conflict isn’t about race or religion, but instead it’s centered around “greed.”

Taking to Twitter, Hadid posted a screenshot of a news article, which was related to the attack, citing it to be the most deadliest one since 2014 Gaza War.


She further added,


Gigi upheld her views, defending herself in several more tweets against those who were attacking her previous posts. "You'll all see whatever side you want," she wrote. "My intent is never to further separate groups in hatred — I live my life loving everyone regardless of religion/race. So I will say again for the last time, I'm not anti-anyone. I am only pro- coexistence. That is all. #freepalestine." She also condemned all violence from both parties in a response to a pro-Israel group that accused her of calling "Jews who want to live in their homeland in peace and defend against shooting and bomb attacks" greedy: "I didn't call Jews greedy, but anyone who can't look past their own ego will twist it that way," she said. "I'm saying coexistence (Palestinians & Israelis, as they once before lived...) is to not live in greed. That's all I'd hope for. ☮️ I don't agree with the violence from either side."