5 New Food Trends Taking Up Pakistan

5 New Food Trends Taking Up Pakistan
With so much going on in the food world, Pakistan isn’t far behind. Thanks to food forums on Facebook food has become an everyday discussion where people come up with new innovations for a better meal. These are some of the trend that we think reign supreme.

  1. Modern dhabas

Desi food is back with a bang with a few modern twists. 2016 can definitely be called the year of ‘food-entrepreneurship’ considering the blow up of restaurants and cafes everywhere. Modern dhabas like Manto Gul kitchen and numerous naan shops have combined traditional items with contemporary ingredients giving us goodies like the infamous Nutella naan Panini.

  1. Flavoring pastries

Till now we have been used to delicious flavourful fillings in samosas, rolls, pies and more. The cool new trend in the culinary world is packing more flavour in the pastries that are wrapped around the filling. Chefs are adding little things like herbs, whole spices, garlic powder or just a bit of lemon zest to give their snacks another depth of flavour, and now we can do the same at home.

  1. Food hybrids

From cronuts and cookie shots to pizza waffles and burger cones, food hybrids are the in thing to create. Many people are coming up with their own inventions and creating a buzz all over social media. Can you come up with a few creative ideas of your own?

  1. Charring

Open fire isn’t just for the outdoors, people are cooking up a storm in the kitchen over grills. Barbeque meat has always been a thing in Pakistan but char-grilling zucchinis, eggplants and onions as side dishes isn’t only amazing to eat but beautiful to look at too.

  1. Food gardening

As awareness on food hygiene is spreading, many are taking the route to organic produce. Gardening has become major whether it’s growing onions in your backyard or sprouting your own herbs in small pots in the kitchen. The sweetness home grown produce gives to meals just can’t be compared with.

Can you think of more trends? Leave your feedback in the comments below! 

  • In: Lifestyle