UHT Milk Is Safe - An Awareness Program by Grow Healthy Pakistan & Pakistan Dairy Association

UHT Milk Is Safe - An Awareness Program by Grow Healthy Pakistan & Pakistan Dairy Association
On October 12th 2017, Pakistan Dairy Association and the Grow Healthy Pakistan initiative hosted a blogger's meet up in Lahore. This was no ordinary gathering; it was primarily to educate the audience about the importance of safe and healthy milk. 

Albeit, milk is an important part of an individual's diet - from a growing child to a young adolescent and even an aged person, it is more important to consume the correct type of milk to take advantage of all the nutrients it has to offer.

In spite of efforts to make the use of packaged milk more widespread, the majority of Pakistanis still drink loose milk and even those who consume packaged milk use it in conjunction with loose milk. The reason behind this is the misconception associated with the milk in packaging. And to put this misperception of packaged milk not being safe and being stale, Grow Healthy Pakistan took the initiative to host a meet up to educate the public about UHT milk processing and packaging technology that is designed to keep milk safe without the need for any preservatives to be added.

Other than all the precautions taken to ensure all the umpteen steps have been carried out, members of the Pakistan Dairy Association, also take great care to ensure the quality standards of milk being prepared. They have modern labs with broad testing capabilities and experts to continuously check milk quality from the point of collection to the point of sale. Packaged milk is fully traceable and it’s quality can be verified at any time by regulatory authorities as is now being done by the PFA on a regular basis.

In comparison, loose milk undergoes none or very few testing procedures and in most cases the milk cannot be traced to the producer. Many people are also not aware that the common practice of boiling loose milk over several minutes at home to kill the bacteria, most nutrients are destroyed which compromises the health benefits of milk. Since long life milk has already gone through a controlled boiling process, there is no need to do this, so this milk is very safe and most healthy.

For the last 50 years, Long Life Milk (UHT) has become a regular staple in families’ homes across the world and can be termed as the most innovative technology used in liquid food process. Today the majority of milk consumed in countries such France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Brazil and China among others is Long Life (UHT) milk.

For additional information log on to: facebook.com/GrowHealthyPakistan.

  • In: Lifestyle