The film begins with the introduction of six lead characters namely, Kaizaad, Party, TC, Bahaar, Misha and Andy. The variety of actors bring with them their own story that is highlighted throughout the film. For instance, Kaizaad is shown as a well to-do young guy whereas TC belongs to a middle class family who struggles to make his ends meet - making the film very realistic and relatable.
As the film progresses, the six friends reunite in tragedy – when a common friend, Party, suffers from an overdose of drugs which unites the friends. This is followed by a roadtrip and from that moment onwards, the plot thickens and moves on towards its climax.
When Rafay Rashidi announced he would be introducing new actors, it sure did sound like a huge risk and it probably was. However, some of them did turn out really good namely, Bilal Abbas Khan who played the role of Party Khan and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram, who portrayed Azaad the angry, possessive husband of Misha. But Ramsha Khan outshone everyone with her performance as Misha. Hats off to her!
On the other hand, much to our surprise, Rizwan Ali Jaffri turned out to be a disappointment. Kasim Khan and Salman Faisal tried their best to get screen time but failed to do justice to their complex characters. Fatima shah jillani had a minimal role but did great on her part.