The Global Dance Renaissance | Quick Style | Blending Cultures

The Global Dance Renaissance | Quick Style | Blending Cultures

Quick Style, the Norwegian dance group consisting of Nasir Sirikhan, Bilal Malik, and Suleman Malik, has taken the world by storm with their captivating dance routines that blend diverse cultural styles and music. From humble beginnings as childhood friends with a shared passion for dance, they have grown into a global sensation, inspiring millions with their unique approach to movement and artistry. In this exclusive interview, we uncover the inspiring journey of Quick Style, exploring their inspirations, challenges, and the impact they've made on the dance world. Their journey from local dance enthusiasts to international icons is a testament to their dedication, creativity, and passion for dance. Their ability to blend cultural elements seamlessly and connect with audiences worldwide sets them apart as true pioneers in the dance industry. As they continue to push boundaries and inspire future generations of dancers, Quick Style's legacy of innovation and inclusivity will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the world of dance. Their vision for the future remains clear: to inspire and unite people through the universal language of dance. With each step, turn, and leap, Nasir, Bilal, and Suleman are not only entertaining but also creating a legacy that celebrates diversity and creativity. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this extraordinary dance group. Read on…


1. Let's start with a bit about Quick Style. How did the three of you, Nasir Sirikhan, Bilal Malik, and Suleman Malik, come together to form Quick Style? What inspired you to start this journey together?

Nasir: It's a classic story of friendship and a shared passion for dance! Bilal, Suleman, and I have known each other since we were kids, 13-years-old to be exact. We were always the ones who listened to music more than the other kids. One day we decided to start approaching dance more seriously and started with classes in 2003, and in 2006 we decided to form Quick Style and take our love for dance to the next level.

We were inspired by the idea of blending different cultural styles and creating something unique that could resonate with people worldwide.


2. Your dance routines often feature a blend of different cultural music and styles. How do you choose the music and cultures to incorporate into your performances?

Bilal: It's like being a kid in a candy store! We love exploring different cultures and their music.

We don't really "choose" the music; it kind of chooses us. Whenever we hear a track that makes us want to move, we dive into it and learn about its cultural background.

It's a beautiful process of discovery and fusion. We want our performances to be a celebration of diversity and unity through dance.


3. Quick Style has gone viral globally. How do you feel about your dance videos reaching and resonating with audiences around the world?

Suleman: It's unreal!

We started out dancing in our bedrooms, and now our videos are reaching millions of people across the globe. It’s very humbling. The best part is seeing how our dance connects with people from different backgrounds and brings them joy.

It's a dream come true!

4. Your journey to international fame has been remarkable! What was the turning point that catapulted Quick Style onto the global stage?

Nasir: One of the many turning points was our performance on NBC's World of Dance. Competing in front of Ne-Yo and J.Lo was big. It gave us exposure to a massive audience and showcased our unique style on a global platform. That took Quickstyle to the world stage.


5. Bilal and Suleman, you two are the only ones in the group with Pakistani roots. How do you feel about the country's dance and music culture? What is it like always visiting Pakistan with your group members who come from different cultures?

Bilal: Pakistan's dance and music culture is incredibly rich and vibrant. We love incorporating elements of it into our routines.

Visiting Pakistan with the group is always a special experience. It's like introducing our friends to a part of our heritage and seeing it through their eyes. The warmth and love we receive there is beyond expectations, and it deepens our bond as a group.


6. What has been the most challenging part of your journey as a dance group, and how have you overcome it?

Suleman: The most challenging part has been maintaining our creativity and originality while navigating the pressures of the industry. We overcome it by staying true to ourselves and our vision. We constantly push each other to grow and experiment with new ideas. It’s all about balancing hard work with fun and remembering why we started this journey in the first place.


7. Can you talk about any significant milestones or achievements that you are particularly proud of?


One of our proudest achievements is building our own dance school and grooming over 2000 talents over the course of 14 years.

It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the next generation of dancers grow and succeed. Another milestone was having one of our YouTube videos reach 136 million views. That’s just insane!


8. How do you envision the future of dance, and what role do you hope Quick Style will play in it?

Bilal: We believe the future of dance is all about fusion and innovation. We hope Quick Style will continue to be at the forefront of this movement, inspiring dancers to blend different styles and cultures. We want to keep pushing boundaries and creating art that resonates with people globally.


9. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?


Performing anywhere in a sold-out stadium, because when we perform live for an audience, we all become one. The feeling of unity with a massive crowd is our next goal.

10. During your travels, have you come across any cultural music or dance styles that particularly fascinated you? Any favourites you'd love to revisit or learn more about?

Nasir: We've been fascinated by Russian dance. The energy in the presentation is both modest and overwhelming.


11. What do you hope Quick Style’s legacy will be in the dance world? How do you envision the future of the group in the next five to 10 years?

Bilal: We hope Quick Style’s legacy will be one of innovation, inclusivity, and inspiration. We want to be remembered as a group that broke down barriers and brought people and countries together through dance. In the next five to 10 years, we see ourselves continuing to evolve, collaborating with more brands, and maybe even expanding our dance/creative school globally.


12. How was your experience working on Coke Studio Season 15? Your favourite track from the season?

Suleman: Working on Coke Studio Season 15 was an incredible experience. The energy and creativity were off the charts. Our favourite track from the season has to be ‘Block Buster.’ The fusion of traditional and contemporary elements was spot-on, and it was amazing to be part of such a legendary one-shot production.