DIY Natural Moisturising Cleanser That Works

DIY Natural Moisturising Cleanser That Works
With the summer sun in full swing, it's important to moisturise daily and well. Tired of using and reusing bottled moisturisers to find one that suits your skin and is the right texture for the blazing heat? Here's something for you that we know you will love! 

DIY natural moisturising cleanser is easy peasy to whip up, but has a lot of benefits for your skin without you having to inspect a list of ingredients on the back of a bottle. Making your own facial cleanser is a great way to avoid putting chemicals on your skin plus, it’s likely to save you money!


  • 3 table spoon coconut oil

  • 1 tea spoon honey

  • 1 teaspoon soda


  • Stir coconut oil until creamy

  • Add honey and stir well

  • Add soda and stir well

How to apply

Apply to skin and then remove with warm water

It may sound too easy and not filled with enough ingredients but if you don't believe us, try it out for yourself!

Are you willing to try out this recipe? Share your feedback with us in the comments below! 


  • In: Lifestyle