Pakistani Film ‘LEECH’ to Premiere at Writers Guild of America on June 28, 2024

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2024-06-25T04:23:12+05:00 Webdesk

Celebrate another proud moment for Pakistan as the film "Leech" is set to make its red-carpet premiere in Los Angeles at The Writers Guild of America on June 28th, 2024. The cast and crew of "Leech" will meet the press and showcase a pioneering Pakistani film to a global audience. This film highlights the climate disaster unfolding around the world and the forces behind it.

Glamora Films and HUM Films have joined forces to bring "Leech" to global audiences, directed by the renowned M. Shahzad Malik.

The Narrative

"Leech" shines a spotlight on the destructive impact of human greed on the environment. As the global population increases and the desire for urban living intensifies, cities are becoming overcrowded. This leads to the exploitation of land for personal and financial gain. 

This demand has tragically resulted in large-scale deforestation. Apartment buildings, housing societies promising luxurious lifestyles, shopping malls offering endless retail therapy, and spacious parking lots are ruthlessly replacing wildlife habitats and destroying nature, regardless of what stands in their way.

Psychological Thriller

The film takes the audience through a psychological thriller, using the conflict between nature and urban living as its backdrop. It serves as a stark reminder of the damage caused by our pursuit of modern comforts and the long-term costs of our choices on the planet. It highlights how greed drives our decisions and the potentially irreversible losses we face.

Wakeup Call for City Dwellers Worldwide

"Leech" addresses the negative impacts of our current and future lifestyles, including climate change. Regions in South Asia are already experiencing some of the worst effects of extreme weather attributed to climate change.

The narrative urges viewers to reconsider their personal life choices and become more mindful of the dark realities underlying our quest for the perfect lifestyle.

The Team Behind the Vision

"Leech" is brought to life by The Dua Brand. Directed by M. Shahzad Malik, written by Tanveer Ahmad, and produced by Mahsam Raza and Naveed Raza, with Anam Raza as executive producer, "Leech" promises to be a significant addition to Pakistani cinema.

The film features an exceptional cast led by Naveed Raza and Mahsam Raza, along with notable actors Rashid Farooqi, Kinza Malik, Asfandyar, Shahzad Ali Khan, Mehboob Sultan, Faisal Naqvi, Adeela Khan, Faheema Awan, and Zafar Khichi. The striking visuals, captured by cinematographers Naveed Malik and Fayyaz Malik, are enhanced by a compelling music score from Shahbaz Khan of the Azal band.

Here’s what the makers have to say about "Leech":

"I am truly honored and beyond excited that our film 'Leech' has been recognized by the Directors Guild of America’s Cinema. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and creative vision of the entire team." – Director M. Shahzad Malik

"Excited and proud to announce that 'Leech' is premiering at the Writers Guild Cinema in Hollywood! As an actor and producer, it's an honor to showcase Pakistani talent on the big screen in the USA." – Naveed Raza

"Today is a proud day for me and my family as we premiere at the Writers Guild of America. Representing our heritage with gratitude. Enjoy the premiere and celebrate this special moment!" – Mahsam Raza

"Leech" is set to premiere in cinemas worldwide on August 9, 2024.

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