A Stick Developed By A Pakistani Student To Cure Parkinson's Disease

A Stick Developed By A Pakistani Student To Cure Parkinson's Disease
A Pakistani student at University of West England (UWE), Neha Chaudhary, has come up with a latest technology to cure patients suffering through Parkinson's disease. 

A stick that can possibly prove to be a cure to the illness and can surely benefit patients across the world according to Neha. The stick induces movement in frozen muscles enabling the patients to be mobile again. In order to keep people's attention away from the patients, the design of the stick has been kept relatively simple.

Having witnessed the disease upclose, Neha designed the stick after her own family members suffered from the ailment repeatedly. Being proud of her achievement, the young girl in an interview said that the success of this invention is her biggest accomplishment so far. Parkinson's disease is one illness that still does not have a treatment that fully cures it.

The stick has been tested on a lot of people in England. National Health Services (NHS) and Parkinson’s organization in England has shown a keen interest in Neha’s incredible project.

Moreover, Neha even established her own company by the name of ‘Walk to Beat.’ According to Neha, when the patients were given the sticks they were surprised at the immediate benefits.

Made of plastic, the light weighted, easy-to-carry-around stick makes use of high-tech sensors installed in it. The sensors, thus, activate dead muscles and help the patients to move around again.