Enamored of Culture | ARI & OAK | Karachi to Chicago and Back

Enamored of Culture | ARI & OAK | Karachi to Chicago and Back

Ari & Oak stands at the crossroads of heritage and innovation, where tradition isn't merely preserved but reimagined for a discerning global audience. This brand, born from the creative synergy of the mother-daughter duo, Fehmida Dada and Sahar Dada, seamlessly melds South Asian craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics, resulting in garments that are as timeless as they are relevant.  Their journey, marked by determination and a shared vision, has turned a familial passion into a thriving fashion label that resonates far beyond its origins. In this candid interview, we explore the intricate tapestry of their inspirations, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the future they envision for Ari & Oak as they continue to carve their niche in the world of fashion.


Could you share more about the journey from a mother-daughter hobby to a full-time fashion endeavor? What inspired you to take this leap?

Like many Pakistanis, getting clothes made is something we’ve kind of always done. For my mom, it started when she was young, growing up in Karachi. That passion and love for designing was transferred to me after my parents immigrated to Chicago in the 80s. My mom continued to make clothes for the community here, and naturally, I became a part of that process. Growing up, I had always wanted to focus on western clothing while fusing in parts of my Pakistani roots. When our clients started to overlap and people outside of our circle began showing interest, we saw it as a sign. It was time for us to bring together our creative visions and challenge each other to build a brand. It’s been a journey that requires determination, creativity, and a strong support system, but it’s also one that has led to incredible growth and success.

“Ari & Oak is our vision of the evolving Pakistani identity, where tradition meets modernity.” 

How does South Asian culture influence your designs, and how do you balance tradition with modernity in your garments?

Ari & Oak is a direct reflection of us, our influences, and our evolution as a mother-daughter team. It represents who we’ve become and the people we design for. The Pakistani identity is evolving, and Ari & Oak is our vision of that evolution. Ari is a modern play on aari embroidery, and Oak comes from the oak tree, known here in the US for strength, stability, and withstanding the tests of time.

We take our inspiration from our past and traditional techniques and reimagine them with modern cuts and minimalist aesthetics to appeal to a global customer base. We’ve never wanted to just design one type of outfit for one type of person. By combining traditional elements with modern design principles, we create garments that align with a South Asian background while remaining relevant in the current fashion landscape.

“Our journey began with a shared passion, but it’s been our creativity and determination that turned it into a thriving brand.” 

Each of your pieces is described as a statement of its own. Can you elaborate on your design process and what makes each piece unique?

Our design process is a meticulous journey that begins with a deep appreciation for craftsmanship. Each piece starts with an inspiration phase where we mood board and collect images of certain landscapes, textiles, and architecture that inspire us. We then brainstorm how to reinterpret these elements into our garments.

What makes each piece unique is the attention to detail. We are grateful for our team of skilled artisans, who bring our visions to life, ensuring that every garment carries a personal touch. Additionally, we emphasize creating silhouettes that are both contemporary and versatile. Each of our collections includes a variety of options that cater to our diverse target market, giving all types of clients an opportunity to feel confident in the styles they choose.

“We design with the intention of making women feel comfortable, stylish, and confident.” 

Being featured on platforms like Refinery 29 and the International Women’s Museum San Francisco is impressive. How have these experiences influenced the growth and direction of Ari & Oak?

All our experiences have been humbling and made the answer to our question of "should we start Ari & Oak as a brand?" to "how soon can we start Ari & Oak?" Our previous experiences were the driving force behind our decision to pursue our brand. We wanted to bring our ideas to fruition and share them globally.


You mentioned that your clothing makes women feel confident. How do you ensure your designs resonate with and empower your customers?

We design with the intention of making women feel comfortable and stylish. Our silhouettes are carefully crafted to flatter various body types. Our timeless and versatile styles mean that our pieces feel special and enduring, which contributes to a sense of confidence in the wearer. We prioritize quality in every aspect of our production process. When a woman wears an Ari & Oak piece, she knows it’s made with care, from premium materials, and by skilled artisans. This assurance of quality allows them to wear our clothing with confidence. We make our customers feel like they are part of something meaningful. Every Ari & Oak design not only resonates with our customers but also empowers them to feel confident and strong in their everyday lives.

“Each Ari & Oak piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring it’s not just worn but cherished.”

Ari & Oak is described as a curated slow fashion label. What steps do you take to ensure sustainability in your production process?

We work with local artisans for all our handwork, supporting traditional crafts and ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for these skilled workers. We truly believe in limited production runs: we produce in small batches to reduce waste and avoid overproduction. This ensures that each piece is crafted with care, attention to detail, and that we only create what is needed. This also contributes to a bespoke experience for all our customers. Our designs focus on timeless aesthetics, encouraging our customers to invest in pieces they can wear long-term.

“Our brand represents a seamless blend of South Asian heritage and contemporary fashion.”

 As first-generation immigrants, how do you infuse your heritage into your fashion while appealing to a modern, global audience?

As first-generation immigrants, we draw deeply from our Pakistani background, blending it seamlessly with contemporary fashion to create pieces that resonate globally. These days, because the world is so connected, we feel that people can learn and have a deep appreciation for different cultures, which in turn helps us cater to a variety of tastes and preferences, ensuring they are accessible and appealing to a diverse, global audience. This includes using classic techniques in fresh, innovative ways that align with contemporary fashion trends.

 “Choosing Karachi for production ties our brand story to a city rich in cultural authenticity and craftsmanship.”

What challenges have you faced as a self-funded brand, and how have these experiences shaped your business strategies?

Two of the things that we have learned and adapted to are: Balancing Roles: As founders, we wear many hats, from design and production to marketing and sales. This requires time management and prioritization. We’ve learned to delegate tasks. The next is attracting and retaining customers. We truly believe in personalized customer service and consistent communication to foster strong relationships. Our focus on delivering exceptional quality and unique designs helps turn first-time buyers into repeat customers. When we first started, we were a small team, but as we grow, these experiences have shaped our business strategies to be resourceful and customer-centric. Our experiences have reinforced the importance of staying true to our values, being adaptable, and continuously improving our processes to build our brand.


Why did you choose Karachi for your production, and how does this location impact your brand’s identity and operations?

Choosing Karachi for our production was a strategic and sentimental decision influenced by several factors that impact Ari & Oak’s identity and operations. We also have a deep love for the city of lights! My mom grew up in Karachi, and we frequently visited. At a younger age, it had its own charm of family and stories of my mom's childhood. As we got older, we found a new appreciation for it, given that it is a home base to so much talent and wonderful memories for us. But strategically, it gave us access to skilled artisans, cultural authenticity, and staying close to influences that inspire our designs. Producing in Karachi enhances our brand’s identity as a label that honors and supports craftsmanship. It ties our brand story to a specific place known for its cultural richness, adding depth and authenticity to our narrative.

“Our goal is to create not just clothing but a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of tradition in a modern context.” 

What are your future aspirations for Ari & Oak? How do you see the brand evolving in the next five years?

In the next five years, we envision Ari & Oak growing into a global brand that remains deeply connected to its roots while continuously evolving. We aspire to create not just clothing but a lifestyle that resonates with consumers worldwide, celebrating the beauty of tradition in a modern context.


Can you share any memorable stories or feedback from your customers that have particularly impacted you?

What impacts us the most and continues to give us confidence in our work is when we receive a message that reads: “Thank you for my outfit, I love it and can’t wait to wear it for my event.” The fact that, with many options readily available, people chose ours and felt excited to wear it is incredibly humbling.

Have you collaborated with other designers or artists, and how do such collaborations enhance your brand?

We haven’t yet, but we have a long list of artists and designers who inspire us, and we hope to work with them in the very near future as the brand continues to grow and gain recognition.


As a mother-daughter team, how do you manage the business and creative aspects of Ari & Oak? What are the strengths each of you brings to the brand?

We both contribute to the creative process, and that’s what makes us work so well together. We are able to bounce ideas off each other and create outfits that include aspects of each of our ideas. My mom oversees the production side of the team; she brings years of experience, wisdom, and a deep understanding of the cultural aspect, which is invaluable in shaping our brand’s identity. I bring a fresh perspective, modern sensibilities, and a strong grasp of current trends. Running a business together allows us to support each other both personally and professionally. We celebrate our successes together and work through challenges as a team. Despite our different roles, we are united by a shared vision for Ari & Oak.

“We focus on trends that complement our brand DNA, ensuring our garments remain timeless and relevant.”


How do you stay ahead of fashion trends while staying true to your brand’s core values?

We carefully select trends that align with our brand’s identity and values. Instead of following every trend, we focus on those that complement our brand DNA. This allows us to stay current without compromising our brand ethos. While we stay aware of trends, our primary focus is on creating pieces with lasting appeal. By emphasizing quality, versatility, and timeless design, we ensure that our garments remain relevant and desirable long after the trend cycle has passed.

While based in Chicago with production in Karachi, how do you manage and maintain a cohesive brand identity across different geographies?

We maintain a clear and consistent brand vision that guides all our decisions, whether in design, production, or marketing. This ensures that no matter where our operations are located, they all contribute to the same cohesive identity. We prioritize constant and transparent communication between our Chicago base and the production team in Karachi. It’s not easy—the time difference and being so far away—but we take frequent trips to Karachi. Regular check-ins, video calls, and spending extended time in Karachi help ensure that everyone is aligned. While we maintain a unified brand identity, we also adapt our marketing strategies to resonate with local audiences in different geographies. This balance of consistency and adaptation helps us connect with customers in diverse markets while staying true to our core values.

Interview: Sundus Unsar Raja

Shot by: Hasan Habib Hashmie

Models:Faiza Ashfaq ,  Rabita Ali  & Elina Batooq