'Egg Boy' Donates $100,000 to Christchurch Mosque Attack Survivors

'Egg Boy' Donates $100,000 to Christchurch Mosque Attack Survivors

Australian teenager, Will Connolly better known as 'Egg Boy' donates $100,000 to Christchurch mosque attack survivors. 

The money has come through two GoFundMe pages that were created by other people after Will cracked an egg on the head of far-right senator Fraser Anning. He has donated almost $100,000 to help those affected by the Christchurch mosque attack.

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In an Instagram post he wrote: “Finally!!! After a huge amount of red tape, $99,922.36 has today been transferred to the Christchurch Foundation and Victims Support. For those of you who don’t know, there were two GoFundMe pages set up to help cover the cost of my legal fees and to ‘buy more eggs’. I decided to donate all monies to help provide some relief to the victims of the massacre ... it wasn’t mine to keep. To the victims of the tragedy, I wholeheartedly hope that this can bring some relief to you.”